Thursday, December 07, 2006

Well it is 2:08 am on Friday December 8 2006.

So far so good. I am not really sure what to write about? I mean things have been going really well and I am doing some cool shit like going to soccer games which in Korea are quite entertaining. You can get seats for 10$ and sit anywhere you want. You bring in your own booze and get drunk and yell at the teams until all the Koreans around you leave because they can't stand to sit near you anymore. Most of the time the guys on the field have no idea what you are saying even if they could hear you but the heckling is more for personal enjoyment then anything else. The Korean fans love soccer and they love the idea of soccer fans but they do it in a very orderly and safe way.

Example: Western soccer fans are striped searched at the gate by large security personnel who don't let you in with a pair of nail clippers.

Korean soccer fans are politely invited into the stadium with whatever they can carry by three very small and very young girls who giggle when you speak to them.

Western Stadiums have security personnel who are constantly on guard, looking for trouble because they know it is coming.

Koreans, see accompanying picture. (this isn't break time, this is what they did during the entire game and these were the only security people I saw.)

Western soccer fans wave flags and banners that actually mean something.

Koreans wave flags and banners that they think look cool but mean relatively nothing other than they think they look cool. Their banners are also written in very poor English. This is one of my favorites for obvious reasons.

Westerners will drink until vomiting and comatosis occurs.

Koreans, well I guess they do this too but they are really polite about it.

Anyways the soccer was pretty fun and I hope to get to see some more games next season. They also have a baseball league with Korean superstars and washed up minor league players from the states. It is pretty funny to watch that shit.

Well what else is new? I am trying to find a place to go for Christmas. So far the options are Thailand, hongkong and Shanghai. those are the cheap places to go. I have a whole week off and I really need to find something to do because if I stay here I will drink myself into a comma. And it would be really great to get to see some more of asia while I am here. If anyone has any suggestions on places to go or people to stay with somewhere in Asia let me know.

Well I am off to bed hope you enjoyed this installment of Ben's adventures in Asia.


Blogger LindsayWatson said...

Oh my gentle and kind Benjyboo. It's nice to see you having so much fun over there! It seems like only yesterday I was curling your chesthair with my index finger and casually licking your nipples while we looked outside at the blustering snow in Kingston. Oh how I miss those days! The days of uninterrupted picnics in the park and delightfully sinful garlic cheeze whiz bread. I can still taste those delectible onions - it brings a tear to my eye. Please repost to me my dearest Benjyboo. I miss our romantic midnight interludes with only the sound of the clicking of the keyboard, the hum of the computer monitor, and the musical stylings of Jurassic 5 to destract me from my undying desire for you. I will wait to hear from you in endless anticipation.

8:57 AM  
Blogger Glenford said...

Needs more Benny. Straight up.

9:24 AM  

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